Get Paid $45 Every 30 Minutes with GOOGLE Translate (I Tried It) | Make Money Online


Get Paid $45 Every 30 Minutes with GOOGLE Translate (I Tried It) | Make Money Online

So there are a ton of articles all over google. That claim you can make $ 40. Every 30 minutes by using Google translate most people that are successful at this say that they only do this for about 4 hours a day, but they are bringing in up to $ 2,000 a week. This is going to be something that is absolutely free to do and it is available worldwide. So today, I'm about to show you how to do this and we are going to see if it really works.

What'S up guys, this is Monique and welcome back to the website. I am back with the news that you can use, but first, if you are new here, hello, Bon Aloha, kichan Shalom, asalam, Alum, Jambo, Namaste, so we're going to Dive Right In and head on over to, and this is going to be absolutely free to use And here is where we will be able to translate between two languages which, which is really simple to do.

All you have to do is select your language in this box over here and you'll type in whatever it is that you want to translate subscribe to the channel and in this box over here is where it will be translated to whatever language you selected.

All you have to do is click on this drop down box here and you have tons of different languages to choose from, but before we actually get to the point that we need to start translating things we are going to have to go over to another website Called CPA grip and create a free account, you'll just come up here to the register Tab and they will ask you some pretty basic questions. Like your name, your email address.

You enter all of those things and then at the bottom, you'll select register. Now now, once you are registered and you are logged into your account - one important thing you want to make sure you do is come over here to the payment center, because this is how you will be able to get paid, and so you want to select your Payment method - and there are several ways that they are willing to pay you.

You can either use payeer with a prepaid. Mastercard, you can do payeer with global bank transfer, you can do a transfer, but that is only in the United States or you can do PayPal and in order for you to get paid, you have to have made at least $ 50. But remember this is a method that is saying that we can make about $ 40 every 30 minutes, so we should definitely be able to meet that threshold in order to get paid, and so now we are going to go back over to the dashboard and on This page here, you are going to see this public chat.

This is where everybody is sharing exactly how much money they have been making doing the method that we are about to get into today. Someone right here has already earned $ 58.

Today this person says they have earned $ 23,000 overall, since they started knowing this. So basically how this works is. We are going to be getting links to different offers that we will be promoting and in order to maximize the amount of money that we can make, we will be translating these offers into different languages, because you'll find, as I show you in a second certain countries - Pay more than others, so we want to make sure we are going for the countries that are willing to pay top dollar, but before we get into grabbing all of these links and getting paid. Let me tell you about the sponsor of today's article or so tell me this.

Are you tired of constantly receiving spam phone calls to the point to where you don't even want to answer the phone anymore?

I receive dozens of phone calls and text messages every day and I am constantly having to block them or report them and spam, and the reason stuff like this keeps happening is because data Brokers are selling your personal info to spammers and robocallers and they are sitting There making a fortune while we suffer but do not fear, because Aura can identify data Brokers, that's exposing your info and they can submit opt out requests on your behalf, and these Brokers will legally have to remove your information once they request it.

Aura also does so much more to protect you and your family from online threats that you can't see. It is really easy to set up and you don't have to download several apps to get parental controls, anti virus VPN, password management, identity, theft, Insurance and more at one affordable price. So if you are ready to stop these Brokers from making money off of your personal info, make sure you go to Hanton to start your 2E free trial, and I also put the link down in the description so to start making these $ 4 every 30 Minutes, remember: we are in CPA grip and we are going to come over to offer two and then we have to select my offers, and this is where you'll see tons of different offers that you are able to promote and get paid for doing it.

So one thing we want to make sure we always do no matter what country we are looking at is we want to see what the highest pay will be for us to promote these offers, and in order to do that, you'll just come to the payout and You'Ll click on it, so that you can rearrange this from highest, to least - and you can just scroll through and see what you like, but basically what this is going to mean the highest that you can receive in the United States.

Right now is $ 1 88 per person that installs this app once you click into it, it says, install and start your 3-day trial. There'S another one right here that all they have to do is submit their email and zip code and you will get paid. So you don't have to worry about people purchasing anything. Now, if you anything like me, you are looking at that dollar.

88, like that's, going to take a lot of work for me to make some good money. But let me show you how people are getting higher payouts and that's by going to other countries like Spain or France. Kind of anywhere in that area tends to have higher payout and because we're going to be looking at these other countries. That is the reason that we are going to be needing Google translat. Look at these payouts here $ 23.

0 $ 21 $ 18. This is a really really big difference from the one in the United States. That'S only $ 188. Now, as I was doing my research, the offer that I saw that was working best for a lot of people is anything associated with iPhone and unfortunately, the one that I found in France for iPhone is only paying 34 Cent per sign up.

So if we Instead try, another country like Italy and we sorted out by highest pay you'll find that they have an iPhone 14 off for here and it's paying $ 17 11 per sign up now this is where Google Translate is going to come into play because, first and foremost, we want to figure out.

What are we offering? We don't want to be just putting anything out there, so I'll just copy that title and then we'll go back over here to Google. Translate we're going to change this to Italian and we'll paste it in here, and then we want it to be translated to English. English - and it just says, get your iPhone 14 pro. Okay.

That seems like something we can work with, so we just have to make sure we not out here cursing people out and doing all kind of strange things. So so far so good now we are going to go back to CPA grip and we want to make sure we get this link and save it somewhere.

So we don't lose it. But before you do that, you want to change the tracking domain to Tundra, and then you're just going to copy the link, and you can just paste it into dock or whatever.

You have on your computer that you like to use. So I'm sure you're, probably like okay Monique, I get how all of this works. We have to promote this to people, but I have nobody to promote this. To I don't have any kind of large following how in the world am I going to get people to click on this? Don'T worry, like I said already, I have a website and the website that I am talking about is traffic ad and, as you can see here on this website, it says we will deliver up to 1,22 visitors to your website or in our case, to our link.

Every 3 days, so, let's say in the next 3 days we get those 1,22 visitors and, let's say out of those th000 about 100 people, click on your link and sign up for it. So with that offer being $ 17.11. That means that in those 3 days you will have made about $ 1,711 realistically, the number that you always want to keep in mind is 1 %. That'S about how many people you're going to get to click on and sign up for your offer.

So once you're ready to start get into this money, they are going to ask you to post your link here now. One thing you want to do before you post, that link into here is shorten it. People are more likely to click on them and you can just Google a free link. Shortner there are many out there like bitly is the one I'm going to be using, and I already signed up for a free account, so I'll just go to create new, select link, I'm going to post that link in here that I saved, and then you can Give it a title - and we can say Italy iPhone and then we'll just hit create, and it has taken this long link here and it made it into a shorter one right here. So then, we'll just go over and hit copy, and now we can go back to traffic ad board and we'll paste that shorten Link in there and we'll select, add website now now this is going to be an ad that is shown to people.

So that's why it says your ad, so what's important is we want to make sure we put the right title and remember this is going to be for people that are in Italy, so it is going to have to be an Italian, and this is where we're Really going to need, Google translate and we can type in get your iPhone today and we're going to make sure it's in English and we want to translate it to Italian.

I don't know how to say this, nor am I going to attempt to say it: okay, because I do not want to annihilate that and I'll come back over to traffic ad bar and I'll just paste it in that title.

So we'll come back to Google, Translate and we'll put something like enter your info to sign up and then we'll just copy that and we're going to come back to addline one and paste it in there. So it is now asking what is the language of your ad and web page, and we know it's Italian, so we are going to select Italian here and then it's going to also ask targeting your ad. Who are you trying to Target?

Is it all countries? This is a specific country. Yes, it is because again, this is an Italian and we are not trying to send it to people who don't understand what in the world is saying, and then I'm going to skip this. When do you want your ad to be seen? I'M just going to let them go ahead and put it out there and we are going to hit this save button and they'll have a few questions that you'll have to go through and I just kept hitting basically next until I got to this final part, where It says click here to get started, so I've uploaded this, I'm going to come back and check and update you guys about the success of this and we'll see if this thing really works, and if this is something that you should try, I am back.

It has officially been 3 days, and now we have to see if we were able to make those $ 40 every 30 minutes that everybody in these YouTube streets is making. So my plan was to not check anything during that 3-day weit. However, if you know me, you know me on that first day I did take a sneak peek and I'm glad I did because when I went to traffic Adar it said that the website did not work when they looked at it. So I had to figure out what was going on and I went ahead and checked the site myself and I found out that had blocked that URL because they said it is potentially harmful.

Now I can say one thing I didn't check before we uploaded and shut everything down was the link that came from CPA grip. I didn't check that Tundra file and when I clicked on it, it didn't even take me to the iPhone that I'm supposed to be promoting.

It actually bought me to some type of rental assistance website, so I went on ahead and start clicking on a bunch of random links to see if it was going to bring me to whatever that promotion was, and all of them that were connected to Italy were Leading back to this rental assistance website not to be be fair. One reason this could be happening is because that link is supposed to be taking us to a website. That'S in another country - and I believe you can't view other Count's websites unless you go and do something like download a VPN and install that into your computer.

But that could be the reason that every time I clicked on the link, it redirected me to a United States website. So at this point I decided to check the link that I saw in one of the YouTube videos where they were talking about. They were able to make this amount of money by doing this, and when I typed out the link they had displayed on their screen right here. It also did the same thing and it said that this URL was blocked. Now Monique is not saying that they out here just lying about making this money.

I don't know what they have going on with that. But that's why I'm here today, because I wanted to make sure this was legit, so you don't have to waste your time if it is not. Now, let's talk about this rental assistance website that keeps popping up, because when I was on CPA grip under the United States promotions, I did see this specific rental assistance promotion that we can use. So, in order to see if this works at all, I decided to go ahead and use that one since they keep sending me there anyway, and I did the entire same process and when I did that I came to the same problem. Bitly blocked the link.

So I did come up with one more way to try and that was to go directly to their rental assistant website and just copy that link and the reason I did that was because there was still an affiliate ID that was in that link.

So I do believe it was still able to connect me to that promotion, so I can get paid and when I added that direct link to traffic Ado this time it actually worked, it took a lot of effort, a lot of trial and error, but it seems Like the only way that you can get this to work with traffic ad bar is, if you are using promotions from your country so after we finally got all of that together.

Now we are back here today A few days later and we are going to take a look at this together, which it shows that no, I did not get those 1,22 views that they promis.

You will get in 3 days, but we did get 10, which is still more than what I even thought we will be able to get at this point now when it comes to the part. You really really want to know how much money was made right on over here.

You will find that we made a good 0, which I told you that magic number is around 1 %, so to have zero out of those 10 is still kind of On Target. So the main question right now is: is this worth you trying it and I personally would not waste my time doing this.

However, I will say this much. I could have made a mistake during this entire process somewhere along the line that stopped me from getting all of the views that they said I can get and also, if you're in another country trying this. You may have better luck with this, and then there are other ways that you can promote this one way.

I know a lot of people try to promote links is through Pinterest, but for me there are so many unanswered questions. It took a lot of effort to try to figure this out, so I'm going to say that I would personally pass on this now. If you do decide to give this a try, please make sure you come back, comment down below and share your experience with us.

Let us know how this worked for you and, of course, I am going to continue to update you on all of the side, hustles and different things that I find so make sure you subscribe to the channel. Also like this article for me.

If you have not done so and other than that, I thank you so much for watching and until next time we are out ,peace,

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